Improve Domain Authority

Improve Domain Authority Using These Mind Striking Methods

improve domain authority

Do you know how to improve domain authority and what is domain authority? When you run a website then it’s important to measure the growth of the website.

Though you can measure your blog’s growth without any tool still you have to know about the domain authority factor. It is dependent upon the age of your website, the content you provide, the links you have on your website.

There are many factors using which it is measured and you can improve domain authority with the same. There is another thing called page authority.

Page authority is similar to the domain authority whereas it is measured of a single web page and domain authority is measured of a domain or sub-domain.

There are a lot of things which are considered while measuring both the authorities. Though the page authority would help you to improve domain authority still the main focus is on the whole domain not on a single page.

How To Improve Domain Authority Quickly To Boost The SEO

The direct impact of the Google indexing is dependent upon the domain authority of your website. It is calculated from 1 to 100 and more you get the more good is the domain authority.

For the better SEO of your website you should improve domain authority because directly or indirectly, it influences the SEO of your website.

You can say that the more SEO your website does, the more domain authority will grace. The domain authority parameter was brought by the Moz and Google is accepting it to check the quality of your website.

Ten Ways To Improve Domain Authority

1. The Domain Name

While choosing the domain name, you should make it sure that it relates to the niche of your website. There are many websites which don’t consist the keyword in the domain name.

You shouldn’t make that mistake. Include the keywords of your website into the domain name. It would increase domain authority.

It is believed that if you go for any domain with the personal name and provide something else on the website then it would take the time to increase its domain authority.

2. Domain Age

If you are thinking about starting a blog then buy a domain right now. The age of the domain name has the major role in the authority factor. Most of the bloggers buy a domain name and keep it for years.

You may have noticed that a few websites come on the front page of the Google only because their domain is old and Google trusts them.

increase domain authority

You should gain that trust with the life of your domain name. To improve domain authority, it’s the best and easy thing to do.

It is because most of the people don’t start their blog just after buying a domain name. They plan, know the market and the audience and then after a few months, they start a blog.

So why would you waste those months? Just buy a domain name when you decide to start a blog.

3. Write SEO Friendly Articles

As I have mentioned above that the SEO and the domain authority relate to each other and if you write the SEO-friendly article then it would improve domain authority.

You should put the alt tag for all the images you add to your blog posts. Try to optimize your blog posts with the proper title and the keyword.

Use the keyword in the permalink and keep it short. Don’t really mismatch the whole blog post, keep it clear and well-written. Set SEO-friendly permalinks.

The font you choose for your website is also measured. For which, you have to choose a better WordPress theme which has the readable font.

4. Remove Broken Links

There may be many broken links on your website. When people comment on your blog posts then you should check the URL of their website.

If there is any error on their website then it would affect your website and its domain authority. It is recommended that you should check for the broken links on the regular basis.

improve domain authority

To improve domain authority, you need to use any plugin or any broken link checker website which can let you know the possible broken links present on your website.

You should get rid of the bad links and take one step further towards increasing domain authority.

5. Create The Appealing Content

The main thing to focus when someone has a glance of your article is the heading. You should create the catchy headings for your blog posts so that people get to your website.

The quality of the content is the key feature to get success in the field of blogging. If you provide something worth reading then the stats would increase so does domain authority.

Sometimes, newbies copy and paste the content just to fill up their website which turns out to be one of the biggest blogging mistakes. You shouldn’t repeat that.

Create your own content which can be linked to other websites. Website owners like to get linked and provide links to the website which has the quality content. And the links would improve domain authority.

6. Improve Inter-linking

You know that inter-linking helps you to increase the users’ experience because they will get some more content from your website to read.

You should include the links between your website to other blog posts so that you can reduce bounce rate of your website and increase domain authority.

There are many people who think about getting the external links and forget about the internal links which cost them a lot. Provide the recent post and if possible then related posts would be great.

7. Create A Mobile-friendly Website

This factor is totally dependent upon the theme of your website. If you have well developed mobile-friendly theme then your website would also be mobile-friendly.

The appearance of your website is dependent upon the theme you use. There are many things to check before choosing a WordPress theme which includes the mobile-friendly factor.

To improve domain authority, you should have a mobile-friendly website so that the mobile users can also access the content of your website.

8. Improve Speed of Your Website

I have always mentioned that the page loading time of your website has the major influence on many things. If you reduce the page loading website then it would improve domain authority.

You should minify the Javascript, CSS, files to reduce the page size of your website. There are many HTML and XML codes present on your website, you should use the GZIP compression.

Always use the optimized images. You can use any optimizing software or any website like TinyPNG which can optimize the image without losing the quality.

Leverage browser caching and reduce HTTP requests. Improve the speed of your website by minifying the files present in the directory.

9. Build Your Online Authority

It can only be done by building the reputation in the online world so that people can trust you and the content you provide. It would help you to drive traffic to your blog and the domain authority would increase.

You should always think about your readers while creating the content. I know SEO is important but your readers are the reason you blog.

They will decide your authority which would resemble the domain authority. The more visitors you get more will be the domain authority.

It takes the time to build relationships and become a social brand in this blogosphere and you have to stand with it.

10. Increase Social Shares On The Content

It’s important to have the social engagement because it will improve the authority of your domain. Try to connect with more and more people.

Get more followers on the social networking websites and share your content with them. The more shares your content get more will be the chances of the improvement of domain authority.

One of the best things is blog commenting which can help you to get more social shares. If you build the human bonds with your fellow bloggers then they will help you to grow your website.

Are You Still Thinking How To Improve Domain Authority

Well, stop thinking and start working. To improve domain authority you have to work hard. As I have mentioned above, there are many factors which will help you to increase the authority of the page and the whole domain.

We all know that the content of the website is the base and if you have the quality content then you would be on the top within in no time.

Try to be creative so that you can keep your readers for more time on your website. The bounce rate of your website has the major influence on the authority factor.

Do the all possible things to improve domain authority and build the best blog ever.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hello Ravi,

    Good suggestions on improving domain authority of a blog. Though these are very important, link building is indeed crucial, and DA metric of MOZ heavily depends on links as well.

    Thanks for posting such informative post.

    Have a good time!

    1. Hey Atish,

      Domain authority criteria needs to be improved for the better results. Moz has brought it up and it’s quite helpful to know the popularity of a blog. I am sure, people would like to know more about it.

      The backlinks play an important role in improving the domain authority.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a nice day.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard of “Domain Authority” but it does sound like it’s very important. I think one of my main problems I have is checking broken links. My site is about 8 years old and there are so many broken links from the past, it’s almost overwhelming to start finding them and fix them all. I do a little at a time and will get them all done one day.

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge about this. I learned something new today already.

    1. Hey Monna,

      Domain authority is the term started by Moz and there are some measures for that. The most important thing is the backlinks. You should check the broken links for sure.

      Google doesn’t like to index the broken links. You can find the bad links using the broken link checker online. The URL will be provided to you and you can remove those links easily.

      Thanks for taking the time to share with us.

      Have a great day.


  3. Hello Ravi,

    It’s my first ti,e on your blog and I found a good post to start ‘increase DA’. It’s an important aspect for all bloggers. We both know it.

    I liked your 5, 6 and 10th point, though. I am looking to read more artcicles here. Am I welcome here buddy?

    1. Hey Pallab,

      We welcome all the readers on BloggingLove with open arms.:)

      Domain authority can be challenging because there are a few bloggers who know about it. You have to gain the trust by embracing the quality of your website.

      All you need to do is building links and remove the broken links because links play an important role while measuring domain authority.

      Glad to have you.

      Keep visiting.


  4. Hi Ravi,

    Nice article published. Domain authority is one main feature to make site rank very high in google’s number one front page.

    But I have a question, Ravi

    Does HTTPS also increase domain authority too?

    I have an argument with my friends over this, so i needed a confirmation from you to know if it will need to go for it to be installed in my new blog.

    Thank You

    Crafty Sprout

    1. Hello,

      Moz has generated this term and it mainly focuses on the links of your website. The usage of HTTP doesn’t affect the domain authority. It is just a secure protocol for the countries in which the simple HTTP doesn’t really put an impact.

      Focus on the content of your website and link building to enhance the domain authority.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a great day.


  5. Hi Ravi bro,

    Thanks for this post. I have been conscious of implementing various measures to improving the domain authority of my blog.

    However, so much I try, I tend to forget it and also leave other aspects uncovered instance like repairing of broken links. I must be reminded of such important things.

    Bro, I am wondering if the commenting system we use will also influence the domain authority of our blogs.


    1. Hey Sherab,

      Many things are there to consider as the domain authority booster. But links play an important role while checking it. You should remove the bad links as soon as possible.

      There is no measure to count on the comment system for domain authority. Though if you use the CommenLuv then it would increase the people engagement which would get you more shares.

      Thanks for joining the conversation.

      Have a great week ahead.


  6. Hello Ravi

    Thanks for Sharing Great Post, Increasing DA of a blog is a challenging task for all blogger always. I think posting unique and quality content on a blog on a regular basis helps most to increase domain authority.

    Thanks for this great help.

    1. Hey Saurabh,

      It’s always about the quality content. Whether to take the domain authority or any other aspect of the blog growth, you have to provide the content worthy reading.

      But for domain authority, there are many other things which can help you grow.

      Thanks for being here.

      Enjoy the day.


  7. Hi Ravi,

    Thanks for this valuable information! I hope it could truly help me out in improving authority of my blog.

    Keep it up!



  8. Hello Ravi,

    It’s a great handy article for increasing DA. A good internal link structure can really help in better SEO and hence domain authority of a site.

    But most of the newbies tend to put the same anchor text across articles. A variety of anchor text is what one needs to put to make the most out of interlinking.

    Loved all the tips and the linked resource pages. Thanks for sharing this valuable article with us.:)

    1. Hey Swapnil,

      There are many factors which influence the domain authority. The keywords you use in your blog posts can be used to create the inter-links in your other blog posts.

      The use of different anchor can be a good idea. But make sure that it should relate to your post. If you try to manipulate just to build the links then it won’t be considered as SEO friendly.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  9. Hello Ravi,

    Thanks a lot for the insight you’ve shared with us as far as increasing domain authority is concern.

    I was like what’s domain authority when I first heard of it. Now sharing with us ways of improving domain of authority is something I need to recommend you on that.

    Thank you.

    1. Hey Kabie,

      There are many people who are unaware of this term. It’s a kind of growth measure of any blog. You need to do a lot of things to improve domain authority.

      I hope this article can make you understand about the concept.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a great day.


  10. Hello Ravi

    Great post ! It was very insightful and very informative. I learned you have to do quite a few things to increase the actual DA. But as you mentioned I think if you just continue to write unique fresh content that’s relevant that the DA will take care of itself. Again thanks for this value-packed post.

    1. Hey Darrell,

      As I have mentioned above. You have to focus on many things to increase the domain authority. Though the content has an influence but still, you need to take care of the consistency.

      The age of the domain is also considered while measuring the domain authority.

      Thanks for dropping your input.

      Have a great day.


  11. Hi Ravi. I’ve seen the Domain Authority term used a few times but never found a good definition. Thanks for explaining what it is. It sounds like you improve it through good SEO and taking care of your readers, just like you do on each page or post that you create.

    1. Hey Ben,

      There are a lot of things which influence the domain authority. You should always try to do the best you can. The name of your name, age of the domain, SEO for the blog posts, and more.

      Thanks for the support.

      Enjoy the day.


    1. Hey Mukesh,

      While crawling your website, Google bots check everything. And the domain authority is given by the Moz and they take a strong action regarding the broken links.

      Good to know that I could help.

      Enjoy the day.


  12. Backlinks from high DA sites play a vital role. Recently I was working on very new website and we build some good backlinks for that website. And in less than of 2 months website authority is 23.

    1. Hey Yogita,

      Though the PR metric has removed by Google but still the DA is available and can be calculated by the Moz tool. The more backlinks you have, the more would be the domain authority.

      The most important thing is the content you provide.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  13. Hey Ravi,

    I never really thought about how SEO compliments Domain Authority until I read this post. The only thing that I haven’t done was use keywords in my Domain name that represents my niche. Besides that, it looks like I’m following all you said here and your tips definitely counts!

    Thanks for the the share! Have a good one!

    1. Hi Sherman,

      Domain authority is one of the rarest utility to know. People neglect about it. They don’t even have an idea about the domain authority. Moz has started this matrix to measure the growth of a blog.

      Keywords are really important in your domain name. If you’re blogging then if would be great if you including it.

      Thanks for your support.

      Have an awesome weekend.


  14. Great post again. All these tips seriously work. They are a key to a authoritative site. I do all such thing to improve my website and to make it rank well in google search engine.

    Thanks for the post.

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